
Books: The Lonely Hearts Hotel

I’m back after a bit of a blogging hiatus! If you’re in the mood for some good summer reading, I highly recommend The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill. It’s not necessarily a light, summery, beach read. It’s dark, but beautifully written.


The story centers around two orphans who meet and fall in love despite a plethora of sad circumstances in Montreal in the early 20th century. They try to make a life for themselves in the world of performing arts in the 1920s and 1930s. O’Neill creates moving dialogue and imagery.

I have loved historical fiction since I first began reading as a young child, and this booked paired a great and different love story with a trip back in time. This was the first piece I have read by O’Neill, and I’ll definitely be checking out more of her work. Pick this one up and throw it in your beach bag.